My morning routine consists of waking up at 5.30am, going down stairs putting on the kettle, letting the cat and dog outside, a 10 minute meditation (thank you Calm App), make my cup of tea, then 40 minutes of writing.  Then the day really begins but this time is just for me.

You probably already have a morning routine but just haven’t noticed it.  Maybe the alarm goes off and you hit snooze a few times, then run around getting the kids ready for school and yourself ready for work.  Maybe you have time for breakfast or not, perhaps you feel like you are on a constant treadmill of running behind schedule.  Maybe you feel like you’ve a whole day’s work before you even head out the door and your thinking “You want me to add more to my morning!”.

Finding what works for you

I came across the concept of having a morning routine after ready Hal Elrod’s “The Miracle Morning” it is a good book that describes the benefits of...

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What is your Mantra for the year ahead?

As we begin the new year and people are preparing their new journals (ahh is there a better feeling than opening a fresh blank page in a new journal!) a lot of you are thinking about what you want to achieve in the new year.  We often like to allocate a word or phrase to the year that gives us some focus and sets our intentions for the 12 months ahead.  This becomes our Mantra. 

What is a Mantra?

The word Mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words—manas (mind) and tra (tool). Mantra literally means “a tool for the mind.”  Historical Mantra’s have been used during meditation to raise vibration through the repetition of the sound or phrase.

Your Mantra should be a word that resonates with you, an affirmation, a war cry or a go-to phrase to repeat when you are not feeling inspired. 

Do you need a Mantra?

Of course not, but once I tell you the benefits of having and repeating your mantra, you may be asking yourself how you...

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