Reflections and Focusing on the Future

Our brains are designed to keep us safe from harm, therefore we reach a certain age (around 40ish for most of us) where instead of thinking what is ahead, we base our future endeavours on what we have achieved in the past.  Our past provides comfort and makes us feel safe.  As it is the brains job to ensure we stay clear of danger it likes us to stick with the familiar. 

The problem with this is, deep inside there is still that 20 something woman, saying "well, come on what’s next!"  That same person that got us through uni, found our life partner, decided having kids would be an adventure, started an exciting new career – she is still in there wanting to bust out. 

So, what happens is the protective brain kicks into gear and starts telling you things like, you’re too old to start something new, stay safe! You can’t possibly lose weight – you haven’t in the past, stay safe! Don’t follow that dream, just keep doing...

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Journaling your emotions

After showing you all my vision journal in my Facebook Live - Many Journals. I have had a few questions about my Overwhelm Page.

This is part of my process of working through my emotions. It allows me to be creative and work out some of my overwhelm on the paper.  As you can see you do not need to be a brilliant artist to be creative. This was done with coloured pencils and pens in my vision journal. 

I have a bit going on at the moment – moving into our new home that took five years to build, co-ordinating all the extra bits that need to be done, working full-time, blogging on The Journal Hub and studying for my Masters Certificate in Life Coaching.  Throw in a burst pipe and flooded lounge room (rental property), add in some family drama and you have a recipe for overwhelm. 

Well actually, I have taken most of it in my stride and it is mainly due to the work I did on this page a few months back when I was feeling very overwhelmed.  This is why...

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Free Writing - What is it and why would you do it?

What is Free Writing?

Free writing is continually writing whatever comes into your mind.  It is similar to brain storming or thought dumping but it is written in full sentences.  There is very little regard for correct grammar, spelling or logic.  It is powerful tool for thinking and creating.



Why would you Free Write?

Free writing gives you the time and space to increase the flow of ideas.  Letting your thoughts run free and getting them down on paper reduces the chance of accidentally censoring a brilliant idea. 

If you have just started journaling and are unsure what to write about free writing can be a great place to start.  It helps you get into the habit of writing, allowing you to practice, find and improve your writing style.

Free writing can help if you are feeling stuck and you want to push ideas without restraint.  You may generate outlandish ideas and thoughts, but within those a gold nugget may hide that provides an...

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What is your Mantra for the year ahead?

As we begin the new year and people are preparing their new journals (ahh is there a better feeling than opening a fresh blank page in a new journal!) a lot of you are thinking about what you want to achieve in the new year.  We often like to allocate a word or phrase to the year that gives us some focus and sets our intentions for the 12 months ahead.  This becomes our Mantra. 

What is a Mantra?

The word Mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words—manas (mind) and tra (tool). Mantra literally means “a tool for the mind.”  Historical Mantra’s have been used during meditation to raise vibration through the repetition of the sound or phrase.

Your Mantra should be a word that resonates with you, an affirmation, a war cry or a go-to phrase to repeat when you are not feeling inspired. 

Do you need a Mantra?

Of course not, but once I tell you the benefits of having and repeating your mantra, you may be asking yourself how you...

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Benefits of Journaling

It’s no secret I love to journal.  It provides a creative outlet, helps me organise my life and my thoughts which in turn, improves my mental health and helps me achieve my goals.  However, those are just a few of the benefits of journaling.

Below are 15 of the top reasons to start journaling today.

Spark your Creativity

Sitting down with pen and paper and just writing whatever comes to you is essential to promote and enhance your creativity.  Writing in a personal journal that no-one else will see, giving you a freedom of expression that does not occur during conversation or writing for someone else.  It will reveal your processes, how you think, learn, create and use intuition.  You will find yourself planting seeds of ideas that will flourish.

Achieve your goals

Achieve your goals and bring your vision to life. Studies have found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing down your goals on a regular basis. I...

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Simple Way to Gain 2 More Days a Year

The most valuable commodity we all have is time, once it has gone, we cannot get it back and we all wish had more of it.  Well I’m here to tell you by changing one simple habit you can get two extra days a year.  Imagine what you could achieve with an additional 48 hours.  So, what is the big secret?

Stop hitting the snooze button!

That’s right, every time you hit the snooze button you lose 9 minutes out of your day.  If you do that every day, 365 days a year, that’s 3,285 minutes, which is 54.75 hours, which is 2.2 days!  So, you are actually getting back more than 2 days.

Getting up when the alarm goes off the first time will give you extra time to do some of those things you can’t find time for.  Journaling could be one of them. 

Not only will you have the extra time, there are other reasons you should not be hitting the snooze button.

Hitting the snooze button can make you feel more tired. 

By waking up and then...

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