List of 30 Lists

What do you write in your journal when you can’t think of anything to write?  Well you can always jump online and find some prompts.  However, an alternative to responding to journaling prompts is to write lists. 

List can be quick, thought provoking and not intimidating as you can write down bullet points without worrying about wordy prose and correct grammar.  List can also help you achieve your goals and monitor your progress.

So here are a few lists to get you started.

  1. Books you’d like to read or books you have read
  2. Shows/movies you would like to watch
  3. Your favourite quotes or affirmations
  4. Places you want to visit or places you have already visited
  5. Qualities you like about yourself
  6. Your goals for the next 30 days
  7. Your goals for the next 12 months
  8. Your goals for the next 5 years
  9. Goals you have already achieved
  10. Activities you would like to do
  11. Things you love about your partner/kids/pet
  12. Gifts you need to buy for others or gift ideas
  13. A wish list for...
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Benefits of Journaling

It’s no secret I love to journal.  It provides a creative outlet, helps me organise my life and my thoughts which in turn, improves my mental health and helps me achieve my goals.  However, those are just a few of the benefits of journaling.

Below are 15 of the top reasons to start journaling today.

Spark your Creativity

Sitting down with pen and paper and just writing whatever comes to you is essential to promote and enhance your creativity.  Writing in a personal journal that no-one else will see, giving you a freedom of expression that does not occur during conversation or writing for someone else.  It will reveal your processes, how you think, learn, create and use intuition.  You will find yourself planting seeds of ideas that will flourish.

Achieve your goals

Achieve your goals and bring your vision to life. Studies have found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing down your goals on a regular basis. I...

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Simple Way to Gain 2 More Days a Year

The most valuable commodity we all have is time, once it has gone, we cannot get it back and we all wish had more of it.  Well I’m here to tell you by changing one simple habit you can get two extra days a year.  Imagine what you could achieve with an additional 48 hours.  So, what is the big secret?

Stop hitting the snooze button!

That’s right, every time you hit the snooze button you lose 9 minutes out of your day.  If you do that every day, 365 days a year, that’s 3,285 minutes, which is 54.75 hours, which is 2.2 days!  So, you are actually getting back more than 2 days.

Getting up when the alarm goes off the first time will give you extra time to do some of those things you can’t find time for.  Journaling could be one of them. 

Not only will you have the extra time, there are other reasons you should not be hitting the snooze button.

Hitting the snooze button can make you feel more tired. 

By waking up and then...

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