Journal To Become Who You Want To Be

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Journaling can help you manage your thoughts, achieve your goals and discover things about yourself you did not know.  It can help you change your mind set, situation and the satisfaction level you have with life.  Your Journal can be your guide and companion as you become the person you want to be.

Pick your Journal

Picking a beautiful journal that calls to you will inspire you to write more often.  Designing pages that work for you and what you want to achieve will mean you are more inclined to use it.  You deserve a gorgeous piece of stationery to hold your goals and dreams, a journal that encourages you to write, that gives you pleasure when you pick it up and gets your creative juices flowing.

Try this gorgeous leather journal.

Having said that, you can be just as effective with a notebook...

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Using your Journal for Self Discovery

Keeping a journal is a fantastic way to get to know yourself.  It reveals your deepest thoughts and feelings, helping you to really connect with who you are.  You’ll discover things about yourself you never knew before and in turn this can help you to discover what you really want in life.

However, starting a journal can be pretty daunting.  It’s difficult to know where to start and how to use it for self-discovery purposes.  If you are struggling, here you’ll learn more about how to use a journal to discover yourself.

Writing down your fears and doubts

There are numerous ways you can use a journal for self-discovery purposes.  Using it to write down your fears and doubts in one of the best ways you can start.

The trouble with fears and doubts is, they can manifest into much bigger problems in your head.  When you bottle things up they can start to feel a whole lot worse than they really are.  So, writing them down not only gets...

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What is your Mantra for the year ahead?

As we begin the new year and people are preparing their new journals (ahh is there a better feeling than opening a fresh blank page in a new journal!) a lot of you are thinking about what you want to achieve in the new year.  We often like to allocate a word or phrase to the year that gives us some focus and sets our intentions for the 12 months ahead.  This becomes our Mantra. 

What is a Mantra?

The word Mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words—manas (mind) and tra (tool). Mantra literally means “a tool for the mind.”  Historical Mantra’s have been used during meditation to raise vibration through the repetition of the sound or phrase.

Your Mantra should be a word that resonates with you, an affirmation, a war cry or a go-to phrase to repeat when you are not feeling inspired. 

Do you need a Mantra?

Of course not, but once I tell you the benefits of having and repeating your mantra, you may be asking yourself how you...

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Benefits of Journaling

It’s no secret I love to journal.  It provides a creative outlet, helps me organise my life and my thoughts which in turn, improves my mental health and helps me achieve my goals.  However, those are just a few of the benefits of journaling.

Below are 15 of the top reasons to start journaling today.

Spark your Creativity

Sitting down with pen and paper and just writing whatever comes to you is essential to promote and enhance your creativity.  Writing in a personal journal that no-one else will see, giving you a freedom of expression that does not occur during conversation or writing for someone else.  It will reveal your processes, how you think, learn, create and use intuition.  You will find yourself planting seeds of ideas that will flourish.

Achieve your goals

Achieve your goals and bring your vision to life. Studies have found that you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing down your goals on a regular basis. I...

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